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Webinar: How to reach ’net zero‘ by 2050?

August 2022

Veranstaltungsdatum: 21st September 2022

HGF hosted a webinar on 21st September, where Chris Goodall briefly examined the major changes that will need to take place in industries as diverse as electricity generation, steel manufacture and farming to move the UK to ‘net zero’ by 2050.

How will the world slow and then reverse the growth in greenhouse gas emissions?

The transition is not going to be simple or painless but the routes to a fully decarbonised society are now clear. This webinar will give insight into:

  • Renewable sources of power
  • Green hydrogen
  • Energy efficiency
  • Reduced utilisation of natural resources
  • ‚Circular‘ economy
  • Agriculture
  • Restoration programmes for soils and trees
  • Aviation
  • Cement
  • Capturing CO2 from the air

This presentation covers all these areas, attempting to give a sense both of the scale of the challenge and the available routes to reduce emissions. Intertwined into the material are brief discussions of how much societies will be able to rely on technological improvements and how much behavioural and wider social change will be required.

Watch the webinar below:

About the speaker – Chris Goodall

Chris works on the energy transition, focusing on the technological routes which societies will use to fully decarbonise by 2050.

He is an established author, having written six books which have won awards and commendations. The most recent, What We Need To Do Now, was shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize and was one of the FT’s books of the year.

Chris is on the advisory board of Pictet Clean Energy, a $7bn investment fund in Geneva, and writes research for CLSA, a leading Asian investment bank.

He is also an active investor in young companies specialising in low carbon technologies and was chair of one of the UK’s fastest growing car charging companies before its acquisition by the French multinational Engie.

He has degrees from Cambridge, Michigan and Harvard Business School.




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