Herr Frau Frau Frau Dr. Divers


Assistentin für Patentformalitäten

York Niederlassung

Operative Tätigkeiten

Telefon. +44 (0)1904 732 120
E-Mail. [email protected]


Lucinda ist Assistentin für Patentformalitäten in unserer Niederlassung in York.

Zugehörige Neuigkeiten

INTA Trademark Administrators & Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting 2022

INTA Trademark Administrators & Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting will be held on 11-12 September 2022 in Virginia, USA. The TMAP is the premier event for trademark administrators, paralegals, young practitioners, and …


HGF Deadlines and Docketing – Updated 23 June 2020

HGF continues to remain fully operational at this time, with the majority of staff working remotely due to the ongoing situation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. The status of our offices …


HGF Deadlines and Docketing – 2nd June 2020 update

HGF continues to remain fully operational at this time, with the majority of staff working remotely due to the ongoing situation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. Last updated 2nd June 2020 …


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