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Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars & Firm Rankings 2021

Juni 2021

Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars 2021, comprising the highly recommended IP professionals, has now been published. HGF is delighted to have 14 European attorneys listed.

IP STARS is the leading resource for companies or individuals looking for experienced legal practitioners for contentious and non-contentious IP advice. Managing IP has been covering IP law and practice since 1990.

HGF is delighted to have 14 European attorneys listed in the guide:


Harry Hutchinson
Dr Chris Moore
Craig Watson
Dr Gary Wilson
Lucy Johnson
Dr Jamie Thomson
Dr Andrew Wells
Dr Susan Keston

Trade Marks

Lee Curtis
Alexander Hagen
David Potter
Pieter de Ruijter
Rigel Moss McGrath


Janet Knowles

Click here for more information about MIP IP Stars 2021.

The firm also has 6 ‘Notable practitioners’ listed in the guide:

Dr Jennifer Bailey
Rebecca Field
Dr Nienke Lubben
Dr Jerry Bretherton
Dr Lauris Kemp
Dr Inge Muellejans

The ‚Notable practitioner‘ tag is a new recognition (introduced in October 2020) for those noteworthy practitioners who were previously ranked as Rising Stars as well as notable senior practitioners, especially partners.

IP Rising Stars were announced in October 2020. Click here to find 4 HGF’s IP practitioners recognised in this guide.

Firm rankings

United Kingdom (England)

Trade mark prosecution – patent & trade mark attorney firms (2021) – Tier 1
Trade mark contentious – law firms (2021) – notable firm
Patent prosecution (2021) – Tier 2
Patent contentious (2021) – notable firm

United Kingdom (Scotland)

Trade mark prosecution – Highly recommended
Patent prosecution – Highly recommended

The Netherlands

Trade mark prosecution – patent & trade mark attorney firms (2021) – Tier 2


Click here for more information on Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars and Firm Rankings.

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