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IAM Patent 1000 2020

Juli 2020

The IAM Patent 1000 – the world’s leading patent professionals 2020 guide has now been published. HGF has 14 attorneys listed.

IAM Patent 1000 is a unique guide that identifies the top patent professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. Patents are essential business commodities and knowing how to obtain, enforce and monetise them has become mission critical for companies in all industries. The IAM Patent 1000 shines a spotlight on the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this pivotal area of practice.

HGF is delighted to have 14 attorneys listed within the latest IAM Patent 1000 guide from our offices in the UK, Scotland, The Netherlands and Ireland.

HGF attorneys listed in the IAM Patent 1000 guide are:

The firm is also listed as ‚Recommended Firm‘ in the UK, Scotland and Ireland within the guide.

United Kingdom

The guide states “HGF’s ambitious growth strategy has resulted in 22 bustling offices across Europe, from which it pools resources and assembles multi-disciplinary teams to undertake complex cross-jurisdictional patent prosecution. Its diverse clientele includes major pharmaceuticals and telecoms multinationals, British universities and leading auto manufacturers. The firm’s technical nous is underpinned by the varied backgrounds and skillsets of its robust bench of talent. First among equals is senior partner Harry Hutchinson, a commercially focused telecoms expert whose previous career as a radio frequency engineer makes him a marvel on all things wireless. Hsu Min Chung has a penchant for chemistry and material science; her practice is informed by a stint in the patent department of a FTSE 100 oil and gas company. She has been hard at work preparing a series of administrative proceedings for a major tobacco company alongside fellow chemist Chris Moore, who is head of oppositions and appeals. The “pragmatic” Janet Knowles is hailed as a “consistently high-quality legal adviser with a broad range of knowledge”, who is “effective and efficient”. “She has worked for our company over a significant period and her advice has always been sound and all documents constructed have stood the test of time,” reports one patron. Jennifer Uno attracts similarly effusive feedback: “Jenny knows our needs very well and surprises us by advancing on solutions for our IP matters at the soonest opportunity. She is always extremely easy to reach, will make time to know more about the company, and will not miss a small gap left in the prosecution of your files or in your new invention. Her creative disposition when it comes to ideas and solutions on how to accommodate our needs or demands are difficult to find elsewhere.” In addition to precision prosecution, “brilliant attorney” Matthew Cassie provides infringement and validity opinions and advises start-ups on the IP aspects of commercial transactions and M&A. Also in demand for his infringement and validity opinions is Andrew Wells, who shines in the pharmaceutical and chemical spheres. Last but by no means least, “great, pragmatic leader” Lucy Johnson impresses with her engineering know-how, which stretches from straightforward matters such as joist hangers and packaging to more arcane areas, including water treatment systems, welding and oil and gas technology.”


The guide states “According to competitors, the Scottish offices of HGF have been “making big inroads” in recent months, in line with the firm’s ambitious pan-European growth strategy. With bases in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, it has enviable geographical reach and the technical chops to provide precision prosecution services across virtually every industry sector. Specialisms include chemistry, electronics, life sciences and – importantly – energy, with the Aberdeen office proving a particular boon for oil and gas companies. In Glasgow, ringmaster Gary Wilson leads a team of “stellar performers” and has been the driving force behind HGF’s success in Scotland since joining in 2007. The skilled advocate makes regular appearances in oppositions and appeals at the European Patent Office (EPO); he is also adept at managing international patent portfolios and providing commercially on-point advice to clients of all stripes. “I give Gary the hardest work because I know he won’t mess it up,” enthuses one satisfied customer. “I use him for complex things that require strategic thinking. Anything I seriously care about goes to Gary.” Alongside Wilson, Andrew McGettrick impresses with his expert drafting and prosecution of patent applications in the fields of electronics, software, medical devices and mechanical engineering. He enjoys the patronage of big-name clients from locations as far-flung as the United States, China, Japan and Korea. In Edinburgh, Jamie Thomson manages global patent portfolios in the fields of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and performance chemicals. He is also no stranger to oppositions and appeals at the EPO, having gained abundant experience in the area over two years stationed in Munich.”


The guide states “One of the largest and fastest-growing IP outfits in Europe, HGF has lately been expanding in Ireland, with office openings in Dublin and Westport. Tasked with nurturing its Irish presence is Craig Thomson, who is well versed in all things biotechnological and pharmaceutical, particularly therapeutic and diagnostic inventions. He has a “phenomenal ability to quickly grasp the key concepts in an invention and tease out the most inventive aspects so as to file the strongest possible patents. He is always on hand to guide patent strategy and has incredible patience when explaining the intricacies of the prosecution process. He is also ridiculously good fun to work with!” “He takes a practical, business-oriented approach, focusing on what will drive value in the European market in a way that enables informed decision making. In view of technological convergence, his technical versatility is invaluable.”

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