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WIPR Trademarks Live

Juni 2021

Veranstaltungsdatum: 8. Juni 2024

HGF is sponsoring WIPR Trademarks Live conference 2021 with Partner Lee Curtis speaking on 8th June.

WIPR Trademarks Live is designed to provide critical and timely insights from leading trademark practitioners from a wide range of industry sectors and jurisdictions. It will provide practical and bent-practice examples of how to exploit your IP assets fully.

The virtual conference takes place on June 8-10, 2021 and HGF Partner Lee Curtis is presenting on Tuesday 8th June. He will cover ‚The Post-Brexit Trademark Landscape‚:

Lee will discuss the legal and case law framework of the UK’s departure from the European Union trade mark system, highlighting four key areas of potential divergence between UK and EU trademark practice, notably the issues of exhaustion of rights, bad faith, distinctiveness examination of trademarks and the new regime governed Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs) in the UK. Lee will also provide some thoughts on the practical applications and implications of Brexit on UK trade mark practice, concentrating on contentious proceedings before the UKIPO.

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