9th Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum: Europe
Oktober 2021
Veranstaltungsdatum: 26. Oktober 2021
9th Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum: Europe will be held on 26th-27th October 2021 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The event is dedicated to exploring microbiome research and strategies for commercialisation and product development. Topics, including gut health and disease, advances beyond the gut including cancer, oral and lung microbiome and more, will be covered.
HGF’s Partner and Patent Attorney Craig Thomson and Partner and Trade Mark Attorney Alexander Hagen will be speaking on Wednesday 27th October:
- Strategies for assessing freedom to operate in the microbiome field (12:05-12:30)
For emerging and evolving companies in the microbiome field, a clear vision of what and how they intend to bring their product or service to market is important for guiding direction and raising investment. Once such a vision can be articulated, what is also brought into focus are the potential risks associated with third party’s IP blocking the practical steps required to give the vision reality. This talk will provide a commentary on how to address third party’s IP in a practical manner so as to help navigate safe passage for the future and also how to use such analysis to assist with raising investment.
- Developing an IP strategy timeline to support the launch of a skin-microbiome product (12:55-13:25)
Developing the technology for a unique and commercially relevant skin-microbiome product, and the associated brand strategy for launch of such a product, is complicated and involves many moving parts. Part of the challenge is to develop a commercially relevant IP strategy, that includes protection of your unique technology, protection of developing brands associated with your brand strategy, and an understanding of third party’s IP that may inhibit your planned activities. When the IP strategy is considered, and aligned with the timelines associated with the other aspects of your business, an efficient strategy can be applied that is cost effective and is not a time-drain on key management when time is most valuable.