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Life Sciences Patent Network North America 2019 – San Francisco

Oktober 2019

Veranstaltungsdatum: 15. Januar 2025

HGF Partner Iain Armstrong will be attending and speaking at LSPN North America 2019 on 16th October. The session will cover ‘CAR–T and other immunotherapies’.

Immunotherapies, such as CAR-T cells, are a hugely promising therapeutic area, both in terms of clinical benefits and potential market size. The treatments have proven remarkably effective in achieving positive outcomes in forms of cancer that are otherwise difficult to treat. As a result, their clinical use has recently been approved in both the US and Europe.

The potential for this market has already spurred tens of billion of dollars in acquisition activity by those wishing to enter the field, and investment in this area is continuing to grow. The expanding market means patenting is becoming more important.

Iain Armstrong will discuss the following:

  • Development and changes of patenting around immunotherapies such as CAR-T cells
  • Areas providing subject matter for new filing
  • The most common difficulties for patent applications and how they can be avoided.

He will also analyse the technical areas with the strongest patenting activity, which include:

  • The development of CARs targeting new forms of cancer
  • The production of CARs with new or improved biological activities
  • The generation of CARs with improved effectiveness in solid tumours
  • Improved methods of CAR-T cell production.

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