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IQPC Life Science IP 2019 – London

November 2019

Veranstaltungsdatum: 26. November 2019

HGF are sponsoring IQPC Life Science IP conference on 26-27 November in London with Partner Martyn Fish, Legal Director Michelle Davies and Partner Rachel Fetches attending.

Life Science IP 2019 will include a range of subjects around practical strategies for navigating the regulatory landscape and maximising the value of IP within Life Science, whilst sharing practical knowledge with speakers and colleagues.

Martyn Fish will be chairing day 1 and will be joining a panel debate ‘Alternative Means of IP Protection’.

He will be discussing ‘What alternative forms of protection to patent protection exist for the pharmaceutical industry: Can gene sequences be protected by copyright? Developments in the drug names? Design Right in chemical structures?’

  • Trade secrets
  • Trade marks – GSK’s Seretide inhaler
  • Copyright
  • Designs – claiming infringement for the copy of medicine designs.

Michelle Davies will be presenting on day 1 ‘Legal Risk Mitigation & Minimisation Across your Business’:

Issues across the business are inevitable, from the inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information through to adverse event reporting, patient interactions, manufacturing problems or product recall. Whilst some risks can be avoided, it is often the inappropriate handling of situations and panic responses made by a business that can cause the greatest damage.

Steps can be taken as a matter of good business practice to prevent or minimise business risk and exposure. With twelve years’ experience supporting business teams and functions within the pharmaceutical industry, Michelle will discuss her insights and the practical steps she deems most effective.

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