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IP & data protection for alternative proteins: how to protect your products in the EU

April 2021

Veranstaltungsdatum: 27. Juli 2024

‚IP & data protection for alternative proteins: how to protect your products in the EU‘ webinar will be held on Tuesday 18th May.

Join this webinar by BGP, HGF & PEN & TEC CONSULTING on 18th May, where the speakers will discuss:

  • What can you do to protect your alternative protein product?
  • What are the data requirements for a patent & how long does it take?
  • What comes first, patent or novel food dossier?
  • What are the data requirements for a novel food application?
  • How does data protection work for novel food applications & which data/studies can you claim data protection for?
  • What is the difference between confidentiality & data protection for novel foods?
  • How will the new EU regulation on transparency impact confidentiality?
  • What happens when the 5-year data protection runs out? Is the patent enough to protect your product?

HGF Partner Kerry Rees will discuss data requirements for a successful patent application in Europe:

  • What are the data requirements for a patent applications to be sufficient and inventive in Europe?
  • How much data is required on filing a patent application.
  • To what extent can post-filing data be used?

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