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IAM AI IP Connect 2021

April 2021

Veranstaltungsdatum: 27. Juli 2024

HGF is sponsoring IAM’s virtual event AI IP Connect on 11-12th May 2021.

IAM’s virtual AI IP Connect event will explore the latest strategies and insight IP managers can use to keep up with AI innovation as it far outpaces the laws surrounding it.

Why attend?
  • Getting to grips with the fundamentals of AI technology underpinning IP strategy
  • Embracing AI within the IP department to optimise processes and portfolio management
  • Identifying how best to protect AI technology and invention
  • Exploring the role of data in the AI revolution and the emerging challenges of usage and ownership

HGF is a gold sponsor in this event with Partner Dr Susan Keston participating in a panel discussion on ‚Integrating AI within a 21st century IP department‚:

AI is powering transformative changes across a multitude of industries, affecting daily tasks in both visible and invisible ways, disrupting every major industry along the way. Yet legal departments seem to be falling behind with the adoption of AI technology.

  • How AI and machine learning are changing corporate IP departments.
  • Understanding where value is being added and how to harness it.
  • Using AI to develop and maintain IP portfolios.
  • Challenges surrounding data management in an IP function.

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