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Celebrating 3 years with In2Science UK

April 2022

We are excited to mark and celebrate our 3-year partnership with award winning charity In2Science UK.

Our partnership has gone from strength to strength, and we are delighted to confirm that HGF are continuing to support young people on this year’s programme. This initiative will enable young people to access expert-led skills workshops, mentoring support and industry placements, equipping them with the necessary skills and networks for a successful future.

HGF partnership with In2scienceUK will have directly supported 15 young people from low income and disadvantaged backgrounds across the programme. With salaries in STEM being 20% higher than other sectors, this helps young people progress to better-paid jobs and economic stability.

Luke McKelvey, Development Manager at In2scienceUK commented:

“We would like to thank HGF for their generous support. Working in partnership we can truly make a difference to the lives of young people and help address the inequalities in STEM.”

HGF are passionate about innovation and creativity and the role they play in the growth of their clients’ businesses. HGF brings together 195 patent attorneys, trade mark attorneys, design attorneys, IP solicitors and attorneys-at-law across 22 offices in seven European countries, providing a dynamic and complete IP solution.

Vanessa Stainthorpe, Partner & Patent Attorney at HGF commented:

“HGF understands how important it is to give young people an opportunity to leverage their skills, creativity and passion for STEM. By partnering with In2Science, we are supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to become the innovators and pioneers of the future.”

As a charity, In2scienceUK can only continue to expand and help more young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, through their partnerships and support from universities and research Institutions.

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