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Patent Attorney

London Office


Telephone. +44(0) 207 776 5100
Email. [email protected]


Robert specialises in patents and related IP rights in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

He has broad experience in patent practice, including urgent drafting for SARS-CoV-2 antivirals during the COVID-19 pandemic, coordinating global patent portfolios for a pharmaceutical candidate in phase III clinical trials and contentious proceedings before the European Patent Office defending market exclusivity determining patents for authorised drugs. Robert also provides advice regarding freedom-to-operate and validity.

He is familiar with the differing needs of prosecuting applications in several fields, encompassing consumer goods, graphene technology and polymer chemistry.

Robert's technical experience spans the interface between chemistry and biology, working on new chemical entity, polymorphic form, dosage regimen and subsequent medical use cases.

Before joining the profession Robert discovered a new oscillating chemical reaction during his doctoral research, work that was highlighted in the journal Science. His laboratory work reflected his long-held interests in enantioselective catalysis, non-linear reaction kinetics, protocell movement, oligonucleotide modification and super-resolution microscopy. He holds a first class Master's degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, where he was awarded scholarships and bursaries for academic performance.


Patent Attorney

Chartered (UK)


BA in Natural Sciences, First Class, University of Cambridge


Natural Sciences, First Class, University of Cambridge


Intellectual Property Law, Distinction, Queen Mary University of London


DPhil in Organic Chemistry, Thesis Title "Selection among Replicators and Protocell Chemotaxis", University of Oxford

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