German Biotechnology days 2023
March 2023
HGF Partner Dr Markus Zoller is attending and speaking at the German Biotechnology days 2023 on the 28th – 29th of March.
German Biotechnology days is the go to event in the industry and is considered the German class reunion for biotechnology. It attracts entrepreneurs, scientists and partners from politics, funding institutions and administration. Speakers will discuss diverse fields of application and the potential of biotechnology, from health research to bioeconomy, from medicine to industrial production to plant breeding.
HGF Partner Dr Markus Zoller is speaking on ‘Early filing or further experimentation – the right time for your patent application‘ on the 28th of March at 11:40am.
The speech will cover:
Innovative biotech and pharmaceutical companies are always faced with a balancing act between filing a patent application as early as possible and still being inventive when they apply to the European Patent Office (EPO) for patent protection for medical products or processes. But what needs to be considered in order to overcome the hurdles of filing as early as possible and the requirement of plausibility and inventive step at the EPO?