Legal notices & documents – HGF Law LLP


1. General

Information under the Provision of Services Regulations 2009

Business Name: HGF Law LLP

Legal Status: HGF Law LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England (No. OC382146).

Contact details and Registered Office:

HGF Limited, 1 City Walk , Leeds, LS11 9DX, United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0) 113 233 0100

Fax: +44 (0) 113 233 0141

Email: [email protected]

VAT: our UK VAT registration number is GB 188 1848 59.

Member status: each Member of HGF Law LLP is a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. The Members of HGF Law LLP are Jason Lumber, Martyn Fish, Geoffrey Smith, Janet Knowles, Rachel Fetches and Marie McMorrow.

Click for further information on our people and their professional qualifications.

2. Regulation

HGF Law LLP is a body authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to provide legal services in England & Wales (SRA No. 592374). The firm and its solicitors are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of Ipsley Court, Berrington Close, Redditch B98 0TD T: 0870 606 2555 or for overseas clients T: +44 (0) 152 750 4450. The code of conduct for solicitors regulated by the SRA can be found at  The Law Society of England and Wales is the representative body for solicitors in England and Wales; information about HGF LAW LLP and its members and IP solicitors can be found at

Service: Solicitors.

3. Terms of Business

A copy of our Terms of Business is available here.

Where a client instructs HGF Law LLP to perform services on its behalf, those services will be provided under these Terms of Business, subject to any agreement or variation in writing between us and our client.

4. Terms of Instruction

Where we instruct a third party supplier to provide professional services on behalf of a client of HGF Law LLP, the Terms of Instruction available here shall apply to the relationship, subject to any agreement or variation in writing between us and our supplier.

Where we instruct a third party supplier to provide support services to HGF Law LLP, the Terms of Instruction available here shall apply to the relationship, subject to any agreement or variation in writing between us and our supplier.

5. Complaints

We strive to meet our clients’ expectations, but inevitably we will not always achieve that and we have a Complaints Policy, and associated procedure, for dealing with any complaints that a client may have. Our policy can be found here.

Clients dissatisfied with the way in which we deal with complaints can also contact the Legal Ombudsman whose website is at His address is PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH T: 0300 555 0333 or for oversees clients: T: +44 121 245 3050.

6. Professional Liability Insurance

Our insurance coverage extends to acts and omissions wherever they occur in the world. Further details are available on request. Our primary insurer is Endurance Worldwide Insurance Ltd, contactable through Willis Limited of Friars Street, Ipswich, IP1 1TA.

7. Privacy Policy & Website Terms of Use

Our Privacy Policy, can be found here.  The terms governing use of our website can be found here.

8. Cookie Information

Our Cookie Policy, can be found here.

9. Bribery and Corruption

HGF Law LLP has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption, both within HGF and with respect to our clients and suppliers. Our policy is here.

10. Modern Slavery

HGF Law LLP has a zero-tolerance policy towards the issue of modern slavery and trafficking of people, both within HGF and with respect to our clients and suppliers.

HGF’s annual statement of our actions to minimise the risk of exploitation of people occurring within the HGF Group of companies or our supply chain is here.

11. Whistle Blowing

To ensure that our people are not afraid to expose any wrong-doing that might occur within the HGF Group of companies, we have a policy to handle that issue, which can be found here.

12. Diversity

HGF Law LLP collects its workforce diversity data at least annually and reports the data to the SRA. We choose not to publish the data because of the risk of identification of individuals.

13. General Disclaimer

The materials provided on this website are for general information purposes only and are not legal advice. HGF Law LLP does not accept any liability for any loss or harm arising from your reliance on this general information. You must seek appropriate advice from your own lawyers and other advisers.