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World Trademark Review 1000 2022

März 2022

HGF European trade mark and designs team has been once again recognised in the gold tier in the World Trademark Review 1000.

We are delighted to be recognised in three key jurisdictions:

United Kingdom: England – Gold

Benelux – Recommended

United Kingdom: Scotland – Silver

Individual rankings

The firm also has 15 European attorneys ranked as ‘Recommended Individuals’:

Firm rankings

United Kingdom: England

Gold – Firms: prosecution and strategy

As the leading UK filer of UK and EU trademark applications for 2020, HGF is a force to be reckoned with. Having significantly expanded its European offering in recent years, the firm now operates out of 21 offices across the continent, which work in synchronicity to provide a holistic branding service to clients…

Benelux: Agencies

Recommended – Firms

On an upwards growth trajectory, UK-headquartered HGF continues to expand its European presence and has brought its office count up to 21, with outposts across Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Locally, the Dutch branch celebrates its fifth anniversary in 2022 and in that time has established itself as a fine destination for prosecution work. Most recently, the side launched an online tool, HGF Complete, that helps clients to manage the cloning process involved with the transition of EU trademarks into comparable UK marks, and follows up with well-thought-out strategies that optimises both UK and EU rights…

United Kingdom: Scotland

Silver – Firms: trademark attorneys

The leading trademark filer in the United Kingdom overall – and one of the largest trademark prosecution practices Europe-wide – HGF has an impressive offering stationed in Scotland. From offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, it diligently protects the assets of businesses on every scale, which appreciate its deep knowledge, efficiency and broad geographical reach…

About WTR 1000

WTR 1000 – the World’s Leading Trademark professionals – a unique guide that identifies the top trademark professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. The WTR 1000 focuses exclusively on trademark practice and has firmly established itself as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking world-class legal trademark expertise.

As with previous editions, to arrive at the 2022 rankings, WTR undertook an exhaustive qualitative research project to identify the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this critical area of practice. When identifying the leading firms, factors such as depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically instructed were all taken into account, alongside positive peer and client feedback.

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