IP Ingredients Blog, Parts 11-20
April 2024
Welcome to our blog series, IP Ingredients, created by our Food & Drink Team. This blog will explore the latest IP news, updates, and discussions in the food & drink sector.
Understanding how intellectual property is relevant to your food or drink company, and how to leverage different IP rights for business success can be tricky.
To help you untangle some of these issues, HGF attorneys Jennifer Bailey and Tanya Waller, together with other members of HGF’s Food & Drink team, have launched a new series of articles, “IP Ingredients”, which provides an introduction to IP in the food and drink field as well as giving lots of practical advice.
Part 11: Exploring colours in the food & drink sector – a patent perspective
In the eleventh edition of this series, “Exploring colours in the food & drink sector” , we discuss how the visual appearance, especially the colour, of a food or beverage product is one of the first things that a consumer will assess, using this information to decide whether a product looks good enough to taste or purchase.
Part 12: Exploring colours in the food & drink sector – overcoming hurdles and leveraging colour trade marks
In the twelfth edition of this series, “Overcoming hurdles and leveraging colour trade marks” , we discuss colours in the food and drink sector, and how to overcome hurdles and leverage colour trade marks.
Part 13: Navigating Trade Marks in the World of Food and Drink Rebranding
In the thirteenth edition of this series, “Navigating Trade Marks in the World of Food and Drink Rebranding” , we discuss rebranding and trade marks.
Part 14: A bitesize guide to freedom to operate
In the fourteenth edition of this series “A bitesize guide to freedom to operate” , we discuss everything you need to know about freedom to operate in the context of patent rights.
Part 15: How and when to use trade secrets to protect your food or drink innovations
In the fifteenth edition of this series “How and when to use trade secrets to protect your food and drink innovations” , we discuss trade secrets and how and when you should use them to protect your innovation